Singing Guide: The Monotones

Singing Guide: The Monotones

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Monotones were an American doo-wop group that originated in Newark, New Jersey, in 1955. If you want to learn how to sing like The Monotones, you need to focus on their exceptional blend of harmony and rhythm. Here are some techniques to help you:

Understanding Doo-wop

Doo-wop is a style of music that relies on vocal harmony and rhythm for its distinctive sound. To get familiar with the doo-wop style, try taking the Vocal range test to figure out your vocal range. This will help you understand your vocal abilities and limitations.

Analyzing Your Voice

To get The Monotones' sound, you will need to analyze your own voice. You can use the How to analyze your voice guide, which will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Developing Your Doo-wop Skills

To get started with practicing doo-wop, the Pitch accuracy test will help you assess your pitch accuracy while singing. The Vocal Pitch Monitor is also a useful tool to see your sung notes on a virtual piano as you practice.

Vocal Techniques

One of The Monotones' signature vocal techniques is their use of "falsetto" to make their harmonies stand out. To develop your falsetto voice, try taking the Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game and focus on the falsetto exercises to help improve your range.

Song Selection

When selecting songs to practice, it's important to choose ones that highlight The Monotones' unique style. Some great songs to start with include "The Book of Love" and "Zombi". Use the Search songs by vocal range tool to find songs with the right vocal range for you.


In addition to the resources mentioned above, here are some related articles and exercises:

Voice Register/Mixed Voice/Voice Break Video: Mixed Voice
Doo-wop/Chords Exercise Video: Four-Chord Progression
Falsetto Exercise Video: Falsetto Exercise

With these resources and techniques, you can learn to sing like The Monotones. Remember to have fun and practice regularly to see improvement in your skills.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.